LSM Tantric Massage offers the best Tantric Massage and/or Nuru Body slide sessions in marylebone, London. We provide Incall or Outcall service to your hotel or private home, although you would need to call in advance so arrangements can be made. If you choose to have Outcall services you will enjoy a sampling of an amazing session, this will be among the most memorable, most luxurious experiences of your life, pure ecstasy! Please peruse our gallery to select the masseuse you want. They’re all beautiful, so this will be no easy task. If you need more information or have a question, don’t hesitate to call.
Incall & Outcall Massage in Marylebone
Choose from our innovative tantric massage sessions and enjoy a most sexy massage experience in London. To book our massage you can simple contact our friendly customer service team by call on 0742-326-0068 . If you want to enjoy this wonderful service in a hotel or home, we can delivery our finest massage services to your place.
Marylebone Massage Services
- Nuru Massage
- Tantra Massage
- Nude full body massage
- Prostate massage
- Fantasy massage
- Full services (Sexy massage)
Tantric Massage
Tantric Massage eases out all the tension built up in your muscles using soft, subtle and very gentle strokes, and this usually includes the very sensitive lingam area of the penis. You will be come totally relaxed and aroused at the same time, as your masseuse will lovingly touch every area of your body. By gently touching you in the pleasure centers of your body you will feel highly aroused, reaching peaks you’ve never experienced before. The technique involves spreading out the peak sensations so that your orgasmic feelings are delayed, which then helps you reach your greatest orgasmic capacity, what is understood in Tantra as reaching the capacity to have a full body orgasm.
You can deliriously partake in a prolonged period of pleasure, being delicately and intimately stroked and touched for as long as you can endure it. This is the ultimate in sexual excitement and can last until you cannot wait one more second for your orgasmic release.
There are incredible benefits of this prolonged sexual arousal, especially if you seek to gain more control of your sexual timing, or if you tend to ejaculate prematurely. The drawn out kind of pleasure that a Tantric massage provides will unite your mind, body and spirit, helping to relieve the stresses of daily life. Mentally you will find a sense of inner peace, harmony and love. You will become more expansive sexually, able to give as well as receive pleasure, and learn what it means to be in unity with your partner in true sexual intimacy.
The experience of a sublime Tantric massage will make you more passionate in every way. You will be able to feel a deeper, stronger sexual passion with your spiritual self more aligned with your physical being. This is a one-of-a-kind profoundly emotional experience because of the sense of unity that occurs within all aspects of your being. This awakening is what makes Tantra stand out from all other types of massage techniques. You will soon realise how this can enhance your lovemaking skills, as you will start sharing a depth of passion and pleasure as never before.