Opening The Gateways Of Sensual Ecstasy…with tantric massage

When you learn to surrender to the moment, you dissolve the ego and enter into what is called the “japa” or the zen state of “now”. A place where all thoughts of the future of the past are absent, allowing us to cross the bridge that leads to opening the gateways of sensual ecstasy.

And in order to open up to a more sensual way of being, my mentor has taught me that the key lies in releasing the right kinds of chemicals in our body, that which he calls “the cocktail of love”. Then you enter into a zen state where you can become intoxicated on your natural mind-body chemistry.

When people make love from a place of “I have to”, they come from their sympathetic nervous system, which fills them with adrenaline and fear-based emotions that inhibit the serotonin-reuptake receptors and the chemicals that induce feelings of love and bonding. Sexual energy stays trapped in the first and second chakra, draining and engulfing them with an insatiable thirst, leaving them empty, lost and lusting.

Enjoy the Sensual Ecstasy in your life

Enjoy the Sensual Ecstasy in your life

When you make love from a place of “I get to”, or “I’m looking forward to this” the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and floods the body with oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and other calm chemicals that make up “the cocktail of love”. The higher chakras begin to open up, allowing for a more sensual energy to enter into the heart, that is empty of expectations, hidden agendas or judgments.

My mentor talks about how we’ve lost the apprenticeship of love in our culture and now we’re a culture that seeks self-gratification through frequent ejaculation. When we are busy satisfying only our lower animal natures, we miss out on a spiritual side to our sensuality that only comes to those who are willing to surrender their controlling ego.

He claims that if we must venture into control, atleast understand the higher level of control, which is self-control. And once one surrenders to the self-control, they realize not only the illusion to control was, but also the underlying motivation for that illusion. When one releases this illusion its what my teacher calls entering into and through a moment of epiphany. A sense of clarity.

As I write this with sensual energy careening through my entire body, after a Tantra massage, my words can only convey so much of my experience. An experience that fills me with joy and ecstasy that causes me to smile…a full body smile, which only comes when one has surrendered to oneself.

Till next time.
